Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Medical technology refers to the diagnostic or therapeutic application of science and technology to improve the management of health conditions. Technologies may encompass any means of identifying the nature of conditions and intervening with devices, pharmacological, biological or other methods to increase life span and/or improve the quality of life (taken from Wikipedia).
From the same resources,
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From the same resources,
Although medical technology is not a well known field, the Medical Technologist is a vital part of the healthcare team. The medical technologist provides a "report" on the internal condition of the patient as well as prepares and dispenses life saving blood products.Medical Technologists must hold a four-year bachelor's degree with a major in Medical Technology (Clinical Laboratory Science) or a four-year degree in a life science, in which case certification from an accredited training program is also required.
Labels: medical technologist, medical technology
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
All information published by Medical Technology on its website is for informational purposes only.
Readers are encouraged to confirm with other sources.
Patients and consumers should review the information carefully with their professional health care provider.
The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians.
Medical Technology will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising from the use or misuse of any material or information published by Medical Technology.
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Readers are encouraged to confirm with other sources.
Patients and consumers should review the information carefully with their professional health care provider.
The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians.
Medical Technology will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising from the use or misuse of any material or information published by Medical Technology.
Labels: medical disclaimer, medical technology
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Monday, January 1, 2007
This story is tell about Medical Technology blog as a new medical related blog. You will find the story of its author, blog design, blog accessories, blog advertisements, and some blogging tips here. Blog is one of (relatively new) information technology media product, so we are blogging too.
Blog author
We decided to be an anonymous (no person name) medical student so some of our friend can contribute to this blog. We have interested in medical, technology, and medical technology.
Blog design
We got this great blogger template design (3 column layout) from our friend, but he did modification before and we lost the first creator data here, so sorry. We were not claim it as our design. You can copy and change this template because all of under creative common license. Medical Technology blog using liquid design (flexible design for any screen resolutions without horizontal scrolling), external CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), and XHTML (eXtended HyperText Markup Language).
Blog accessories
We put some useful blog accessories:
We also put some advertisement from google ads and amazon's affiliates. It would help you to find the best think related to our topics.
Blogging tips (for medical technology blog users)
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Blog author
We decided to be an anonymous (no person name) medical student so some of our friend can contribute to this blog. We have interested in medical, technology, and medical technology.
Blog design
We got this great blogger template design (3 column layout) from our friend, but he did modification before and we lost the first creator data here, so sorry. We were not claim it as our design. You can copy and change this template because all of under creative common license. Medical Technology blog using liquid design (flexible design for any screen resolutions without horizontal scrolling), external CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), and XHTML (eXtended HyperText Markup Language).
Blog accessories
We put some useful blog accessories:
- Social bookmarking for each articles (on main column/content; from bookmarkz.net/)
- Trackback (main column/content; haloscan.com/)
- Subscribe utilities: to subscribe this blog (not an article) or add to any services/bookmarks/feed readers (sidebar; addtoany.com, feeds.feedburner.com), subscribe using Blogger's widget (for blogger.com user) and widgetbox.com/, or subscribe via email (feedblitz.com/)
- Search the web/Google (google.com/)
- Search this blog (freefind.com/)
- Statistics utilities: to know who links here (wholinks2me.com/, technorati.com/), visitors characteristic (sitemeter.com/, feedblitz.com/, mypagerank.net/, mybloglog.com/)
- Simple site map (freefind.com/)
- Site validator: for Atom Feed (feedvalidator.org/), CSS (jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/), XHTML (validator.w3.org/)
- XHTML Friends Network (gmpg.org/xfn)
- Blog evaluation (design, popularity and accessibility) tool (sitescore.silktide.com/)
- Creative Commons License (creativecommons.org/)
We also put some advertisement from google ads and amazon's affiliates. It would help you to find the best think related to our topics.
Blogging tips (for medical technology blog users)
- You can use any browser, Firefox (browser for better (standard) and more secure browsing) is recommended
- You can use normal or maximize browser's window on any size of monitor's screen/resolution
- Use 'ctrl + [+]' (keyboard) to maximize font size, 'ctrl + [-]' to minimize, and 'ctrl + [0]' to revert default mode (on Firefox)
- Press F11 for full screen view, F11 again to revert
- Press 'ctrl + P' to print the page
- Press F5 to refresh the page
Labels: blog accessories, blog advertisements, blog design, blog tips, Firefox, tips
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Since January 2007 | Updated by MedicTechno Team | Medical Disclaimer
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