Sunday, February 4, 2007
Ubuntu Linux is one of the most great open source technology. Even for a medical student and newbie on this technology. Ubuntu as an free (as speech) operating system has a large number of users (include newbie on laptop). They are very respect on Ubuntu technology. Free (always be), great support, great community, multi language translations, regular update, and easy of use even for newbie.
I think this technology is one of the best choice for medical student who want to use an legal operating system, free viruses, recent technology, easy for newbie, eye catching, very stabile and fast enough.
Get your machine legal and virus free with Ubuntu OS. Ubuntu is debian based. Debian is the most platform in open source medical software development.
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I think this technology is one of the best choice for medical student who want to use an legal operating system, free viruses, recent technology, easy for newbie, eye catching, very stabile and fast enough.
Get your machine legal and virus free with Ubuntu OS. Ubuntu is debian based. Debian is the most platform in open source medical software development.
Labels: medical, technology, ubuntu
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