Sunday, February 4, 2007
I can not find a specific literature to create the best design for medical blog in the recent technology. There is HON Code but not spesific for the blog. There are some specific tips for the best blog design but not for medical environment. Web log as known as weblog or blog is one of the fastest growing information and communication technology. There are some interesting blog made by medical professionals, physicians, nurses, pharmacist, etc. But I can not find the best design from medical view.
In the recent technology, growing Internet access, large screen, mobile technology, pay per volume based charging, excellent browser, web standard, etc. maybe there are some aspects which best to adopt as a medical blog designer.
Blog title, tagline, description
They should have clearly show on the top of the blog.
Must clearly declare who you are, your contact/email (aware from spam), curriculum vitae, job description, specialities, photo.
Search facilities and Categories
These are useful for busy people. They want a specific topic.
Just mention your citation, resources, so it still contain evidence based medicine.
Make your article readable on the screen. Right font type (sans serif better than sans type), left alignment, listing, links, relative size, etc.
So build your medical blog with better design right now and reach your users with recent technology.
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In the recent technology, growing Internet access, large screen, mobile technology, pay per volume based charging, excellent browser, web standard, etc. maybe there are some aspects which best to adopt as a medical blog designer.
Blog title, tagline, description
They should have clearly show on the top of the blog.
Must clearly declare who you are, your contact/email (aware from spam), curriculum vitae, job description, specialities, photo.
Search facilities and Categories
These are useful for busy people. They want a specific topic.
Just mention your citation, resources, so it still contain evidence based medicine.
Make your article readable on the screen. Right font type (sans serif better than sans type), left alignment, listing, links, relative size, etc.
So build your medical blog with better design right now and reach your users with recent technology.
Labels: blog, blog design, medical, medical blog design, technology
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